
How to Add Online Services with Video Consultancy in Bookr

August 26, 2024
5 min read
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Do you want to expand the services you offer and make your business more accessible to customers? By integrating the video consulting option into the Bookr app, you can reach clients from the comfort of their homes by offering them online sessions via Google Meet.

Here's how you can add online services and start taking advantage of this functionality!

1. Add a new service.

Enter the Settings section of the main menu.

Go to Your Services to start setting up. ‍

2. Click the “Add” button to enter new details.

Fill in the name (e.g. haircut, massage, medical consultation).

Specifies the duration in minutes and adds the corresponding price.

3. Enable the Video Consultation Option

To enable the video consulting option, check the box “Create a video call for this service”. This step will automatically integrate the online session with Google Meet, allowing your clients to participate in video consultations directly from the app.

4. Customize the Service

You can further customize the service by choosing a distinctive color or adding a description that gives more details about what the online consultation offers.

5. Save Changes

After filling in all the necessary details and activating the video consulting option, click on the “Create Service” button to complete the configuration of the service.

6. Set Work Hours

To maximize the number of bookings for your online sessions, do not forget to set your working hours. Make sure your consulting hours are well aligned with the availability of your clients.

7. Publish your profile

Once you've added and set up your online services, make sure you make your profile visible to customers. Thus, they will be able to easily book the video consultations directly from the Bookr application.

Choose the online services option with Bookr's video consulting and connect with customers wherever they are. It provides quality services without a physical presence and manages everything from one place. Start now!

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aplicatie de programari online
servicii consultanță video
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